A couple of weeks off to catch up

August 27, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Still working on June photos, it's not quite as bad as it seems because I've had a couple of requests based on ad deadlines where I had to give priority, so some shows will go quicker because those groups are already done. If you want a sneak peak, take a look at Recently Added or go to http://lyndabeam.zenfolio.com/recent.html.

Saturday I was at Elgin Kennel Club and it was a fun day, ring stewarding mostly for toy breeds. They are all so CUTE! But it is difficult sometimes to keep the ring on time, through no fault of the judge! I really think the superintendents should probably calculate less dogs per hour for a few reasons. 

  1. They're small and they take longer to get around the ring
  2. They're small so sometime people bring more than 1, sometimes 6 and it takes time to get armbands changed and dogs into the ring
  3. Toy people are very sweet like their dogs and often have no sense of urgency LOL

I was a very forlorn ring steward as I stood holding Japanese Chin armband #18 and found that Miss Mimi Chin was in Houston (where she had a very successful weekend nonetheless) and she would not grace our ring that day. I think her owner thinks I'm kidding, but ask anyone ... I had a big sad face for about 5 minutes ;)

Some photos from Elgin:






Vicki DeGruy who spends most of her time behind a lens ventured out with her new puppy Neo and took Best of Breed and this was his first time in group, doesn't he look like he has the whole thing down already!













Another young class dog that made it to group was this smooth fox terrier, 
he managed a Group II to a wonderful Russell Terrier. Really nice moving dog as well!





Team Tiger takes Best in Show #3 on Saturday and
repeated the group win on Sunday I believe.





Group First both days and Best in Show on the second (naturally when I wasn't there!) was the malamute bitch Ruby!





And last but not least, loved this mini poodle shown by Sara Brooks who won a Group IV from the classes.

I've seen Sara show some spectacular poodles!


So what's next? 

Was planning on taking a trip out to Ames, Iowa for Labor Day weekend but decided I just have too much to do at home, dog related and non dog related as well. So ... maybe next year. It sure sounds like a fun time and some of the members actually invited me and I HATE to turn down invitations.

Kenosha and Freeport are solid maybe, depending upon how much I get done over Labor Day.

I will be at Manitowoc for at least one day because of the Puli National. Nancy Powell asked me to come months and months ago. I've been practicing a lot on every pulik I see, especially the dark ones, so I hope I get some good shots for them.

In October I will be going to the Shiba National as the official win photographer and I really want to be completely caught up before I go because last year I took about 20,000 photos of shibas (more candids than win photos :)) and that took quite awhile to process!

That's enough for now, so be safe on the roads over the holidays if you are out and about.

Till next week...


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Schedule Subject to Change if Weather is bad, unless someone has a specific need for wet dog photos :)
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